TfL Taxi Consultation to "kill" Uber
"Arthur Figgis" wrote in message
On 03/10/2015 13:08, tim..... wrote:
"JNugent" wrote in message
On 01/10/2015 18:53, tim..... wrote:
There is nothing in the London Cab Acts or the Town Police Clauses Act
which prevents passengers from teaming up for a joint-hiring. AAMOF,
they do it all the time.
That's no bloody use to a solo traveller arriving at an airport (off a
I've done it in Sofia (which meant I only got a /bit/ ripped off compared
to getting in a taxi without someone with local knowledge...) and
somewhere else I've forgotten.
There's a frequent bus at Sofia.
Though I waited god know's how long for the first one when I arrived on the
stupid o'clock in the morning Wizz flight.
Though I was bound for Plovdiv, so all I did was replace a wait at the
station by a wait at the airport