Le mardi 6 octobre 2015 22:40:19 UTC+1, Basil Jet a écrit*:
http://www.railmaponline.com/UKIEMap.php shows the Vic passing west of
the reservoir.
http://www.itoworld.com/map/26?lon=-... ough_wrapper
shows the Vic running east-west under the reservoir.
The very different portrayals of the line from Seven Sisters -
Northumberland Park Depot are surprising.
Indeed. Only one of them can be right. Where do they get their data from?
There is a ventilation shaft coming in Finsbury Park roughly to the left of the words "Finsbury Park" in the Rail Map image just above where it draws the Victoria Line. That would be consistent with the ITO map but not, I think, the Carto Metro one, though looking closely it is hard to be sure. None of the three agree though.
Which is why I'm sceptical of any of them.