London to Cite Europe - trips via Euroshuttle
I know - and it was dirt cheap! Alas... Actually, I thought it was
withdrawn after the demise of duty-free, when there was a huge drop in
the numbers of people crossing the Channel, not realising that even with
French duty paid, wine, spirits, beer and coffee were far cheaper than
they are here. And tobacco is cheaper in Belgium, just an hour up the
I was at connex at the time this service ran and I tried very hard to
persuade the publicity people to plug it more. Their response was
quite negative which can only be given a Gaulic shrug of the
shoulders. It stopped running because of a lack of passengers and
connex have gone now as well. Ho Hum.
I used the service on "privs" quite a bit, it was ony £2.50 !!
I regularly went to Calais to do some French diesel "bashing" as well
as using it as a cheap way to start other train trips in Europe, with
the added bonus of the Euro Shutle locos for interest.
One extremely funny trip saw us delayed for THREE hours on the outward
journey. I was with a friend going to Belgium via Calais and Lille.
There were only two other punters. We wanted to get out and get a boat
but were denied. The bus "HAD" to go to Calais. The rest of the days
service was suspended and as I say we got there late. I wrote a
standard whinging letter to Eurotunnel in which i was totally honest
about the priv fare paid and was surprised to be sent a voucher for my
car for a retur "whenever I wanted". Needless to say in mid summer I
took a weekend trip with the car, out on a Friday to calais and Back
Sunday Tea time. Face Value of the ticket was £180.00 for a £2.50
complaint !!!!
Now my circumstances are different I regularly join the booze cruisers
to satisfy my good laies taste in Wine. I get a day out in the car
doing the trains as long as i stock up in a local supermarche on the
way back. Still not bad value at about £25-£30 if booked in advance.
Fat Richard