On 07/10/2015 16:14, Basil Jet wrote:
On 2015\10\07 15:23, JNugent wrote:
On 07/10/2015 14:53, Roland Perry wrote:
In message , at 12:33:41 on Wed, 7 Oct
2015, y remarked:
Since anyone can become a black cab driver if they want to learn the
knowledge I really don't see the problem.
I'd be a bit disappointed if convicted sex offenders could.
They can't.
At least, not in London.
Maybe - just - if the conviction was 40 years ago.
For Brits, I doubt that such a conviction would ever be considered
spent. An immigrant's criminal record is only checked for the time
they've been in Britain, whether they are becoming taxi drivers or PH.
It isn't necessary for a conviction to be spent in order to get onto the
Knowledge. After all, some offences - characterised by the punishment,
not by the actual offence itself - are never spent.
But the PCO (which at one time was a branch of the Met Police) does take
past convictions seriously. It's fair to say that a 10-yr-old conviction
for embezzlement would present (much) less of a problem than a 25-yr-old
conviction for a sexual offence.