"Ben Nunn" wrote in message
Also, how far back do these ****s want to go?
There was time when the current LBoBexley wasn't part of
Kent either, because Kent didn't exist.
So let's refer to them as Mercia residents then, shall we?
I don't think Kent was in Mercia... but I agree wholeheartedly with
I think it's deeply hypocritical to say that the 1963 London
boundaries are /wrong/, but the 1900 boundaries are OK.
Amen. I don't know who drew up old county boundaries (was it some ancient
king giving land to his cronies?) but they mean little to me, and I don't
see why we should foot the bill for administrative inconvenience caused by
boundaries which don't match. And boroughs providing services for small
parts of neighbouring boroughs is undemocratic: there are people getting
services provided by Kingston Council who only have votes for Richmond
Personally I have several gripes with the boundary commission's work,
and believe that London is long overdue a revamp - I'd like to realign the
Greater London boundary with the M25, which is the most obvious
'natural' border we have right now.
In some places, maybe, but I don't see why even more of rural Kent needs to
be dragged into LB Bromley. Downe is not London! (Bexleyheath is London,
In general, I think green spaces and rivers are the best places to put
boundaries. That's why I thought the boundary between Barnet and Harrow
should be east of Mill Hill, instead of down the middle of Edgware High
Street. It would even up the populations a bit as well.
John Rowland - Spamtrapped
Transport Plans for the London Area, updated 2001
A man's vehicle is a symbol of his manhood.
That's why my vehicle's the Piccadilly Line -
It's the size of a county and it comes every two and a half minutes