Basil Jet wrote:
On 2015\11\14 09:09, Recliner wrote:
Chris J Dixon wrote:
Basil Jet wrote:
I'm a little surprised that they claim it uses less power than a
conventional lift. If you have to raise a given mass through a
given vertical distance, shouldn't the answer be the same?
Yes, I agree about the *energy* consumption. But perhaps it gets away with
a less powerful motor, as it's slower than a normal lift. I assume it has
a counterbalance like a normal lift? I'll see if I can tell when I go to
see it on Monday. Of course, the balance weight may be hidden, as it is
with many normal lifts.
It is yellow and clearly visible in the video above at 1:21.
Yes, well spotted.
According to the feasibility study, it would weigh 1.9 tonnes, though the
one in the video doesn't look large enough. Maybe they also reduced the
size of the cabin (it was proposed as a 10 person, 1 tonne capacity).