Inclined lift at Greenford Station replaces the last woodenescalator
No-one has mentioned the fact that LU has turned Greenford from a
two-escalator station into a one-escalator station and dressed it up as
an enhancement that no-one can object to without being called a
cripple-kicker. I hope this practice doesn't spread to deep stations.
I would imagine lengthy staircases are inherently more dangerous than
lengthy escalators. How many people will become permanently disabled
through falling down the stairs, who would have been fine if the station
still had a down escalator?
A triptych platform which folds vertical when not needed and manoeuvres
itself up and down the central fixed staircase when needed is not hard
to imagine. Some sort of gates at the top and bottom would be needed to
stop people trying to walk down when the lift was coming up.
Incidentally, if this lift is as slow as people say, it would be a nice
trick if people could summon it up or down with a phone app while they
were on the train or in the street.