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Old November 24th 15, 07:41 AM posted to uk.railway,
Recliner[_3_] Recliner[_3_] is offline
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First recorded activity at LondonBanter: Oct 2014
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Default Metropolitan Line to be extended

Basil Jet wrote:
On 2015\11\24 00:30, Recliner wrote:
Offramp wrote:

I keep thinking it's all systems go with this long-delayed project, and
then hear there's been yet another final agreement. I wonder how many more

It's amazing that it's taken this long and will cost so much, to build a
short new viaduct and reinstate a mothballed line that's largely intact.

Construction of the Metropolitan Railway from Paddington to Farringdon,
cut and cover most of the way, started in March 1860 and it opened to
the public in January 1863. So this construction is planned to take
significantly longer.

I know, it's crazy that an entirely above-ground short railway, mostly
built on an existing trackbed, is taking longer to (re)build than a complex
cut-and-cover pioneering railway did 150+ years earlier. I think it's also
taken much longer to plan and agree it.