On Sun, 29 Nov 2015 08:57:16 +0000
Roland Perry wrote:
In message , at 21:10:18 on Sat, 28 Nov
2015, d remarked:
If there's no doctors the money is just a load of paper.
We weren't talking about having "no doctors", but whose talents are
I'm not sure why you think that being in research automatically makes you
more talented than someone at the coal face. Going into a research is a
choice and there are many reasons for people not going into it other than
not being good enough.
It depends. I'd sooner be a researcher in a lab than a heart surgeon who's
got a got knows how many hours op ahead and someones life directly in his
Much of the research is done by heart surgeons (or whoever) pioneering
new treatments in the operating theatre.
Well obviously someone has to actually do a new treatment eventually. That
doesn't mean they're any better than the next guy.