On 2015-12-02, Recliner wrote:
Eric wrote:
On 2015-12-02, Clive Page wrote:
On 01/12/2015 16:47, Eric wrote:
A dubious argument anyway, since the entire point of changing the
escalator rules is to get an entire crowd to or from the platforms as
quickly as possible. This is a safety issue and the slowing down of a
minority is not relevant.
Yes that was the point. But although it might seem to be the right
thing to do in theory it seems that it doesn't actually work in practice.
There is a little more on this in Ian Visits blog:
No more really, since it is mostly the 2002 paper that has already been
mentioned more than once in this thread (which doesn't actually prove
anything in my opinion).
I think what it proves is that it would be really hard to implement such a
policy in the few cases where it would be worthwhile: long up escalators in
the peaks. In all other cases, it's better to have a walking side and a
standing side.
Given that many London Tube users aren't fluent in English, most regular
Tube users are well-trained to walk on the left and stand on the right, and
many aren't listening to routine announcements, it would be nigh on
impossible to switch behaviours on a few escalators for a couple of hours
each day.
Well that would be believable - if I hadn't seem it done (at a very
crowded Victoria some years ago with a couple of staff yelling - sorry,
giving instructions - at the bottom of the escalator).
ms fnd in a lbry