----- Original Message -----
From: "CharlesPottins"
Sent: Sunday, July 20, 2003 12:40 PM
Subject: Borough boundaries
If you take a main road like
Kilburn High Rd. as boundary (as it is between Brent and Camden and was
Willesden and Hampstead before that, unless I'm mistaken) then you bisect
Kilburn. But people will still say they live in Kilburn whatever side of
road they live
Main roads are funny things when boundaries. I live at the city end of the
Old Kent Road, where it forms the boundary between Bermondsey and Walworth,
and do technically live on the Walworth side. However, people here tend to
associate much more with the Old Kent Road than with either place, so this
is where I tend to tell people I live. (This is also because Walworth tends
to be met with blank looks by anyone north of the river; one friend even
asked if it was a real place, believing that I'd just said "Walford").
But as someone pointed out the boundary has to be somewhere.