On 14/12/2015 20:08, Basil Jet wrote:
On 2015\12\14 19:38, Redoute wrote:
Am 14.12.2015 um 17:06 schrieb Basil Jet:
Presumably this one. 13'9" clearance on the South Circular Road.
You'd have to wonder how blind someone would have to be to hit that.
/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sBwp5vFSgRP41eEqPrAWAsw!2e0?for ce=lite
Oops... https://goo.gl/maps/AE7Z3fJAGoH2
Holy crap, I couldn't work out what that was at first but what looks
like a tarpaulin hanging on the side is actually bulging steel from the
container which is caved in at the front. Great company name too...
"Logistic Planning Services". I don't think they planned this!
Indeed, it's a shipping container that's taken a hefty whack! The whole
side wall of the container appears to be at a slight angle too.
Coming from that direction, the lorry will have passed a height
activated warning sign too. I think there's a fair amount of advance
signage about this bridge too. I suppose the issue is that it is the
grandly named South Circular Road, and so perhaps lulls drivers
(particularly those familiar with the North Circular) into a false sense
of security, though it's not the only low bridge on the route.