GTR drivers
In message , at 09:21:40 on
Sat, 19 Dec 2015, Paul Corfield remarked:
Already an important franchise commitment, greater capacity to King's Lynn,
has been sabotaged by Network Rail's inability to deliver Ely North Junction.
And while not GN's fault Northstowe Parkway station is a year (or more,
depending on which broken promise you count) late, and perhaps something
to do with co-operation from Abellio the franchise commitment to roll
out "Franchise wide" smart ticketing has been re-jigged as "Royston and
further south".
Roger Ford tweeted this week that the South East Flexible Ticketing
project appears to be "binned" by the DfT.
So my calling it vapourware all those years wasn't completely off the
Have they also binned the "part time seasons"?
Presumably any future smart ticketing will be delivered by TOCs
themselves with no attempt at an overarching project.
TSGN and TfL account for 95% of my rail travel in the South East, so
that wouldn't be too much of a problem.
Southern had much of the work done already, so all it needs from Govia
is rolling it out over the old FCC network too.
Roland Perry