The online timetables at the Southwest Trains site and the timetable
at the Network Rail site show that there is a new Sunday only service
from Waterloo terminating at Kingston via the Hounslow Loop with a
reversal at Twickenham.
However, the Southwest trains personal timetable printer at and also
the TfL journey planner seem to include no such trains, and a personal
timetable from Hounslow to Kingston requires a change at Feltham (not
Twickenham). A bit more experimentation to work out where the trains
that reverse at Twickenham are going shows that there is a direct
service from Datchet to New Malden... I presume these trains are going
from Windsor to Waterloo via the Kingston Loop with a reversal at
Twickenham. So what's really happening, and why the difference between
the generic timetables and the personal timetables?