By Londons Northern Line to Battersea
Jarle Hammen Knudsen wrote:
On Tue, 29 Dec 2015 11:18:24 +0000, e27002 aurora
Subject: By Londons Northern Line to Battersea
Why are you changing the subject line? It creates a new thread each
time you do that. It makes a mess.
Original subject was "By Northern Line to Battersea".
Adrian is obsessed with cross-posting to international news groups, so he
sometimes changes titles in order that the members of those groups know
that these are actually local UK threads that have been parachuted in. It's
also why he justifies using US spellings in purely UK threads.
He's not worried that this annoys others in the original groups, as he
apparently wishes to do so. Given how many people he blocks (or claims to
block), he must have trouble following threads anyway.