By London's Northern Line to Battersea
On 01/01/2016 14:48, Roland Perry wrote:
In message , at 14:11:06 on
Fri, 1 Jan 2016, e27002 aurora remarked:
Not a councillor since 2014. I'm just a pensioner these days.
So, under the UK tradition you do not retain the title after your term
in office?
US tradition is slightly more familiar to me. Certain titles,
President, Congressman, Judge, remain with the holder after his term
It seems to happen in the ex-military,
Military rule used to be, don't know if it still is, that retired
officer's of the rank of Major and above[1] could retain the use of the
title as an honorary rank in retirement.
[1] And equivalents in the other services.
Graeme Wall
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