Recliner wrote on 13 Jan 2016 at 08:55 ...
In article , (Mizter T) wrote:
On 12/01/2016 20:51, Steve Fitzgerald wrote:
In message , Mizter T
Do you like the S-stock - from a driver's POV that is?
I love them. Comfortable, good driving position, cab air-com (although
it's a bit noisy) and hi-tech controls (which always goes down well with
It's almost disappointing when a D stock turns up as they are getting
dated and not much loved by the depots these days.
That's great to hear! I like them from a passenger's perspective too
- lots of space, big wide doors, smooth ride.
I agree except for the lack of transverse seats on the S7s. One advantage of
the S8s which I last used.
Yes, I always try and grabs transverse seat on an S8, even a rear facing
To my surprise, having always tried to get a transverse seat on D stock,
I find that the lack of transverse seats on S7 doesn't actually bother
me, probably because S7 is better in all other respects. It helps (when
not in tunnel) that the windows are large, so much better than the
Overground's class 378 from the same manufacturer.
Richard J.
(to email me, swap 'uk' and 'yon' in address)