What you need to do is go to
www.ticketsto.com and buy a 6 zone Visitors
Travelcard. This will save you a few bucks and you don't need a photo
card. Visitors Travelcards can only be purchased outside the UK.
6 zone, 7 day, adult is $69 plus shipping.
Enjoy London! I wish I was going back this year.
- Mark
On Fri, 07 May 2004 01:51:39 -0400, "S. Sen"
My wife and I will be travelling to London from Philadelphia and plan to
make extensive use of the public transportation system while there. We
will be there for 7 days. We will be staying at Leatherhead, Surrey
which I understand is Zone 6. Thus, we would be coming into the city
proper each day and going back fairly late in the evening.
I would be most grateful if anyone would answer these questions for us...
1. What kind of pass should we get? After scouting around, it seems it
is the weekly travelcard allowing travel across all 6 zones?
2. If the above is true, how do I get a 'photocard', as the site
mentioned above says we need for a weekly travelcard? It is too late for
me to get a visitor travelcard mailed to us - we are leaving in 24
hours. Is one issued on the spot? Can non UK residents get it? Is there
a office at Heathrow issuing such photocards and travelcards?
3. If weekly travelcard is not an option, what is our best bet?
4. Is public transportation fairly safe? Late in the evening?
Many thanks.