NTfL: usual suspects short-listed
In message , at 11:35:05 on Sun, 24 Jan
2016, tim..... remarked:
Many NR TOCs already have a 4 days week.
as 9+ hour days in a 7 day week?
Or as part of a move to "Sunday as a normal day": 8 hour days, 4 on, 2
off, 4 on, 2 off...?
AIUI it's four days on, three days off, plus some lucrative overtime on
a Sunday because that's no-one's official "day on".
There's also apparently 40 days holiday a year, but I'm not sure if that
equates to 40/4=10 weeks, or the 40/5=8 weeks that most other workers
would expect it to translate to.
Roland Perry