London Overground expansion
On Mon, 25 Jan 2016 10:04:25 +0000
e27002 aurora wrote:
In 2008 RBS and HBOS were illiquid. Having seen Japan's follow HMG
followed their example. Had we let RBS and HBOS fail the guilty would
have been punished. The depositors were insured anyway. The pain
Insured only up to a certain amount. I see no reason why people should lose
some of their life savings because of a bunch of greedy sociopaths in the
would have passed. We would now be in recovery.
And plenty of ordinary savers would be ruined.
Let me emphasize high rise living is not for families of five. They
are for singles and couples whose children have grown.
Works in the far east. But there tends to be less loutish behaviour in those