On Tuesday, January 26, 2016 at 8:21:49 AM UTC-5, Rob wrote:
Read this article http://footprintsoflondon.com/2016/0...s-in-the-700s/ today which says that Green line routes are in the 700 range because trolley bus routes were reserved route numbers 500-699. Do you know if that's the case? Are there any modern routes that serve Victoria and areas just outside London that don't start with a 7?
It's the old Bassom System of route numbering, created in the 1920s by Chief Constable (sic - a historic rank roughly equivalent to a Commander in today's Met) A. E. Bassom of the Metropolitan Police - see
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_o...assificati on
Bassom was also responsible for creating the Knowledge and the tight turining circle required of London cabs.