ELL closure
On Thu, 18 Feb 2016 10:27:44 +0000
Mike Bristow wrote:
Becuase spending £1,000,000 for a £2,000,000 benefit is worth doing.
But changing the plan so you spend £1,000,001 for a £1,999,999
benefit means your change isn't worth having. Or changing the plan
so you spend £1,000,001 for a £2,000,000.01 benefit makes your
change daft.
Newsflash - LO doesn't exist to make a profit. It exists to provide a public
service. Which currently on the ELL its not doing. Using your logic the whole
system should be shut down since it requires a massive subsidy and almost
certainly always will do.
I imagine the MTBF would be the same as other sets on that line. When was
the last time any of them failed and the line had to be closed because of it?
So you don't know? How can you estimate the disbenefit of additional
points if you don't know the MTBF (and the cost of the failure)?
You're apparently the expert on it, so why not fill us in? Should be easy to
prove me wrong shouldn't it?
Given that you don't know really basic things required to assess
the change, I'm not sure you're qualified to judge. (I'm not sure
I'm a ****ing passenger, I'm the only type of person who SHOULD judge whether
the service is any good. Unlike half the people on here posting from australia
or the netherlands or god knows where who rarely if ever travel in london