More Boris buses ordered
On Wed, 02 Mar 2016 23:27:16 +0000
Paul Corfield wrote:
On Wed, 02 Mar 2016 22:45:13 +0100, Jarle Hammen Knudsen
Will you get to see bendy buses on the streets of London again?
Doubtful and to be honest it's not important.
That depends on who you are. Bendy buses were a lot friendlier to the disabled
and people with pushchairs than any sort of double decker. Something the
europeans - and Ken Livingstone for all his other faults - seem to have grasped
but completely sailed past Boris. Or he didn't give a **** being too busy
stroking his ego creating his "legacy".
campaign) knows that too. Hence all the focus on attacking that
particular policy and deliberate vagueness about Zac Goldsmith's own
policy on fares.
Goldsmith is the definition of vague. Frankly its a **** poor show from all
the main parties. You'd think they were putting forward candidates for the
major of bognor regis, not western europes largest and richest city.
Unfortunately I think we are going to see the partial destruction of
Central London's bus network off the back of pedestrianising Oxford
Something needs to be done about Oxford street. The river of virtually empty
red buses crawling along in both directions at 10mph no matter what time of
day means something is seriously broken.
St. All the candidates support it and believe Crossrail will be some
sort of cure all. They are wrong. It has also been reported that TfL
have apparently decided that Central London is no longer a priority
for investment so what money there is will go to the suburbs and
capacity will be lost in Zone 1. Oddly I can't recall where the
public were asked if they supported this fundamental change in policy.
Suburbs? They're going beyond that. They want to hoover up some of the
services into rural kent & surrey too. Why politicians think slapping an
Overground roundal on a 375 will suddenly cure all the signal failures and
train issues is anyones guess.