On Thu, 3 Mar 2016 14:45:58 +0000
Mizter T wrote:
On 03/03/2016 14:32, Neil Williams wrote:
On 2016-03-03 11:48:29 +0000, d said:
Would be easy - though costly - to implement too. Have a touch out
reader on the bus for people wanting to interchange to a different
route then have a timeout of say 30 mins for them to get the next
Don't even need that complexity. Just allow a second touch-in free
within, say, 1.5-2 hours of a touch in, with any further touch-in
restarting the clock. The odd person would get to do a return-half
journey for nothing, and somebody would no doubt stop a bus, touch in
and alight to restart the clock deliberately, but it would be so few and
such short journeys that the effect would be marginal.
No need for that level of complexity - you already said it, "a second
touch-in free" - i.e. one free transfer - within a time limit. No people
'restarting the clock' like that.
Problem with that is that some bus journeys take a long time especially in
rush hour. So if you have a simple time out based on the touch-in time then
it could be exceeded by a long bus journey + wait for next bus. However if you
make it long enough to take account of all realistic scenarios you could have
people getting to their destination, doing their shopping/whatever and then
getting a free trip home again.