More Boris buses ordered
On 2016-03-04 00:49:57 +0000, Paul Corfield said:
I appreciate you're going to support her policies but depending on the
scale of discount offered for a one hour ticket you are looking at
something like £70m pa cost.
It's not a "discount", and should not be thought of like that. It is
about charging a fair fare for a journey by TfL bus, which may well
include increases for those travelling by only one bus to make it
revenue neutral.
No different to when zones were abolished for buses.
Depending on where you make that sort of change you may
well get a riot on your hands especially if older people lose through
services where today they have one. The existence of a 1 hour ticket
is irrelevant to those people.
A public transport network does not allow selfishness to prevail. It
needs to be organised and charged for for the greater good.
Neil Williams
Put my first name before the @ to reply.