On 26/03/16 08:59, Recliner wrote:
On 25.03.16 19:17, Offramp wrote:
Just outside Colindale station, to the right, there is a new building being erected lol.
It seems to be being constructed entirely from Containers sellotaped
together. I mean those sea containers.
Has anyone seen it. Is this normal construction? And how can it take so long?
Another hipster hangout?
In Colindale?
Could be this. Ye can see the concrete fire escape tower on streetview.
"18 storey
building comprising apart-hotel use to 55 rooms and 319 student
accommodation units (Sui Generis) with associated communal space. "
https://barnet.moderngov.co.uk/documents/s9902/Site%20to%20the%20rear%20of%20Colindale%20Station% 20Plaza%20comprising%20land%20of%20Former%20Statio n%20House%20and%20part%20of%20Form.pdf
Nothing in there references sea containers though.
Adrian C