Crossrail - poor interchanges. Now he tells us
In message , at 12:52:13 on Thu, 14
Apr 2016, Clive Page remarked:
On 14/04/2016 09:53, Roland Perry wrote:
Another change which has been substantially elongated is Thameslink to
Victoria/Piccadilly at Kings Cross/St Pancras. Previously it was a much
shorter passage (still extant).
The much shorter connection was to the old King's Cross Thameslink.
Yes, that's the one I'm taking about.
The station is still there, just abandoned. I don't see why they
couldn't keep it open - it would I suppose take the average Thameslink
train an extra couple of minutes to get through the core if they had to
make an extra stop, but given the typical delays we experience, that is
surely lost in the noise.
The problem wit the old station was inadequate platform widths (and
quite possibly now, platform lengths).
The other really odd connections are at Green Park. Given that there
are three tube lines crossing at different levels, so there must be
points at which each line is just above each of the other two, it does
seem strange that one has to walk what seems like hundreds of metres to
make *any* connection there.
This has been discussed at some length a couple of weeks ago.
Roland Perry