Heathrow runway will create £16bn burden for TfL
On 25/04/2016 17:29, Graeme Wall wrote:
On 25/04/2016 16:19, Colin Reeves wrote:
On 25/04/2016 11:03, Graeme Wall wrote:
They've been talking about a link to Staines since I lived there and
that was 1957!
Why Staines? I recall the old Railbus service went to Woking which links
with the SWT mainline?
There still is a bus between the airport and Woking. To get there by
rail it is proposed to build a line from T5 to Staines across Stanmwell
Moor to link into the existing network. Unfortunately the north to west
curve at Staines has recently been built on so trains would have to
reverse at Staines to reach Woking.