Taxu demos at KXStP
In message , at 07:25:48 on Tue, 26
Apr 2016, Robin9 remarked:
O. K. How about this then? A young mother is at work and
receives a phone call from her son's school. He's had a serious
accident and needs to be taken to a doctor and then probably
home. Obviously the mother needs to get to the school as
quickly as possible. Neither bus nor train will get the job done
so she needs a cab. She's in the suburbs where black cabs are
rarely found, so a minicab is the obvious mode of transport.
Are they really so rare that you couldn't phone for one and have it
arrive as soon as a minicab? The places I've lived outside of London
with a mixture of hackneys and minicabs it's been just as simple to call
one of the former as the latter.
Our black cab propagandist wants her to wait 24 hours. I make
no comment.
Roland Perry