Another bridge!
On Thu, 5 May 2016 08:43:26 -0000 (UTC)
Recliner wrote:
On Wed, 4 May 2016 17:32:41 +0100
Mizter T wrote:
On 04/05/2016 17:17, Graeme Wall wrote:
Couldn't see the signs, obviously…
We discussed this bridge on the South Circular (on Thurlow Park Rd in
Tulse Hill) recently, maybe it was over on utl (which I've x-posted to).
There's already extensive signage, but I guess there could always be more.
Looking at the signs they've already got I'm not sure what more they could
do other than have overheight flashing warning lights. But then idiots ignore
flashing lights at level crossings so...
I think the only solution is to have a sturdy steel beam, painted in
luminous paint, a few metres before the bridge (and obviously mounted so
that, even if hit, no force is transferred to the bridge parapets). The
beam might be a few cm below the bridge, but there might also be a hanging
fringe below that so it's right in the driver's eye line.
Well he failed to spot the pretty obvious warning signs on the bridge so I
doubt this particular Einstein would have seen a painted beam either. But as
you say, at least the bridge wouldn't get hit.