On Wed, 11 May 2016 11:53:49 +0100, David Cantrell
On Tue, May 10, 2016 at 10:32:49AM +0100, Paul Corfield wrote:
The 1 hour Hopper ticket launches in September.
As I expected TfL have obviously been working away in the background
so there's a quick win delivery of part of the manifesto.
I'll believe it when TfL say it. It's far too common for a reporter to
misunderstand something and report a great deal more than the facts.
Will this do?
Speaking about the launch of the new fare, London’s Transport
Commissioner, Mike Brown, said: “This new option will benefit a huge
number of our passengers. For many people catching more than one bus
is the only way they can get from A to B. This fare will enable us to
better meet the needs of those Londoners who live or work in areas
which aren’t as well served by Tube or rail services.”
Of course, if it does happen as reported, then TfL must have been
working on it before Khan's election, which means that this is something
that Johnson can take the credit for :-)
Not if it wasn't his policy or if he didn't announce it as a future