Converting Railways To Roads
In message , at 10:19:00 on Sat, 14
May 2016, Robin9 remarked:
Very rarely does anyone quantify the full road costs, but
on the few occasions anyone was so rash, their figures
were quickly disproved. The revenue raised from motorists
goes to the Treasury but local roads are the responsibility
of local councils who have their own revenue streams.
And their revenue stream for Highway maintenance (and even vanity
projects like Busways, new bypasses and new railway stations) comes
mainly from the government.
In Cambridgeshire where Colin and I live, the County's overall funding
comes 46% from council tax payers (£255m) and 54% from government grants
It's difficult to unpick the "roads" budget because - perhaps special to
Cambs - a big chunk is dedicated to cycleways[1] - however the car
related component is around £40m a year; which this year includes about
£10m for the Ely bypass whose main beneficiary is the railways, and is
as far as I can tell almost completely grant-funded, the county's
exposure being limited to the cost of building the business case.
[1] Which as far as I can see go largely un-used, so it's a waste.
Roland Perry