Peter Lawrence wrote on 22 May 2016 at 20:27 ...
On 22/05/2016 13:43, Offramp wrote:
A while ago I got on a bus which went to Mill Hill East. It went up and up and up and up.
But which bus route has the highest vertical climb?
As a first guess, route 210 from Finsbury Park to Whitestone Pomd on
Hampstead Heath, the latter being the highest point in London. Detailed
analysis may well produce another answer but finding the relavant data
is tedious! Also, routes extending outside the Boroughs may well go higher.
Whitestone Pond on Hampstead Heath may have been the highest point in
the old LCC area (though actually I think there is a higher point off
Spaniards Road a little to the north-east of the pond). Within Greater
London there are 7 higher points listed in Wikipedia* of which the
highest is Westerham Hill at 245m (804ft) AOD (Above Ordnance Datum,
i.e. above mean sea level).
That's the highest point of land. The highest point in Greater London is
the top of The Shard at about 314m AOD, but it doesn't have a bus service.
Richard J.
(to email me, swap 'uk' and 'yon' in address)