On Fri, 27 May 2016 10:04:05 -0000 (UTC)
Recliner wrote:
Basil Jet wrote:
On 2016\05\27 09:51, d wrote:
TfL doesn't currently have a stunning
record on the chingford or enfield lines, can't see how its going to do much
better than Southern if it gets handed all those lines with the same sick
prone and indifferent staff.
Sick prone? What do you mean? Are you talking about the existing staff
taken on from the TOC or the new staff employed to enable the increased
staffing levels?
I suspect he's referring to SN's guards who are reported to be suddenly
suffering from a high level of "sickness".
As TfL has a DOO policy on all its lines, these sickness-prone guards
presumably won't be needed if their lines are transferred to LO.
Just imagine the strikes. The entitled ****s at the front couldn't apparently
cope with an extra 2 carraiges on a train due to ******** "safety" reasons so
trying to get rid of guards will inevitably mean trouble.