On Mon, 6 Jun 2016 12:06:04 +0100, Basil Jet
On 2016\06\06 11:44, Recliner wrote:
Basil Jet wrote:
Londonist interviews the cartographer...
I hadn't realised that hadn't been done before. But it does look odd
leaving out non-TfL rail lines. For example, on that map, East Croydon
looks like a little wayside halt compared to West Croydon. I wonder if the
other lines shouldn't have been shown in a pale grey?
There is of course a map that shows all rail lines plus the danglebahn.
While I'm here, the Overground map in the Goblin trains (which is
presumably the same as the one in the other Overground trains) is AWFUL.
There are more recent additional maps in cl.378 (AC units at least)
trains for each line in roughly the same style of the line diagrams
displayed in Underground trains. As with S stock which serves both
Circle and District Lines, there are separate maps for each line as
known (e.g. DC and NLL) before being lumped together as Overground in
addition to the existing "whole system" maps.
I know it's topological, but Liverpool Street has ended up in completely
the wrong part of the map. I don't know why Overground maps even
exist... there is no Underground map in tube trains or anywhere.