Uber are seeking more drivers!
On 2016-06-07 08:47:34 +0000, tim... said:
whether they did on not, they definitely need to enforce the disability
rules against Uber cabs properly
We can argue for as long as you like whether we should, or should not
have these rules, but whilst we do all cabs should be expected to
comply equally.
The idea that (some/most) Uber drivers can reduce their costs by only
serving the cheaper customer whilst leaving the higher costs of
servicing disabled people only to black cabs is simply unacceptable.
If you are going to do that, you also need to enforce it against all
minicab companies as well. Uber is basically a minicab company.
Notably, the result of requiring all cabs to be accessible is lots of
large, filthy vehicles driving around central London with one passenger
on journeys where a small hybrid would do just as well. This is not
sensible. Something like Uber does give the possibility of having an
accessible subfleet like minicab companies do and preferentially
allocating it to those needing it.
Neil Williams
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