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Old July 4th 16, 04:29 PM
Robin9 Robin9 is offline
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Originally Posted by Martin Coffee View Post
On 04/07/16 07:59, Roland Perry wrote:
In message , at 11:14:44 on Sat, 2 Jul 2016,
tim... remarked:

"Roland Perry"
wrote in message
In message , at 18:10:48 on Fri, 1 Jul
2016, tim...

So Farage's infamous poster had no effect at all? What a waste of
his money.

Which of Farage's posters said "Vote leave and the queues of
people trying to *illegally* enter Britain will disappear?"

The one you claimed not to have seen.

why do you doubt that claim?

I don't doubt the claim, I'm just a bit surprised that someone who is
therefore so out of touch with current affairs feels his opinions
should be taken seriously.

you are being ridiculous

I didn't see the picture, so what?

I did see all the media coverage of it

how does that make me out of touch?

As I said before - one picture is worth 1000 words, and you are clearly
vastly underestimating its impact on the vote.

Brexit is all about legal immigrants, the people queuing up at
Calais are illegals

Er, no. Brexit is also about (or so the leave voters were told)
reducing legal immigrants,

Yeah, that's what I said

as well as being able to come down harder on illegal immigrants.

Oh no it's not

See the poster dear Liza.

The discussion was on Brexit's (expected) impact on immigration

see above "Brexit is all about legal immigrants"

Not what the poster said.

It has been claimed many times that some of the posters bore no
relationship to the (overall) argument (often with reason). Why have
you suddenly decided that one of the posters (and the one that got the
most flack) should be taken at face value just because it suits your
minuscule little debating point.

I'm not sure what debating point that is - but it's undeniable that the
main driver for the Leave campaign was immigration, I think they thought
"leave" meant "now all the EU immigrants have to leave".

I met someone who thought it meant exactly that as well as the fact that
we had left the EU the moment the election was announced and they would
be rounded up and kicked out within days. He was already sadly
disillusion and probably even more so by now.

The problem is that there are so many divorce possibilities that no
leave person actually knew what they did vote for. It's a monumental
muddle created by the leave political people. The stay political people
are no better, they were just complacent.

In my view political people do not actually have a mandate to negotiate
any particular "settlement" with the rest of the EU as none was offered
for the electorate to vote on.. It's an absolute muddle.
It's not a muddle at all, except for those bad losers
who are scratching around for some way to discredit
the result and to smear those who voted to leave.

I voted to leave and I have long recognised that
large-scale immigration was bringing far more problems
than advantages for our country. Most of my friends and
acquaintances hold similar views, and none of us believed
that voting leave would mean a general expulsion of
immigrants from our country. Most of us will oppose any
such nonsense in the extremely unlikely event of it being
attempted. The suggestion that most "leave" voters were
sufficiently ignorant, idiotic and depraved to want such a
policy is just part of the smear campaign being conducted
by fair weather democrats who don't like losing.

I knew exactly what I was voting for. I knew that we were
voting on one issue only, and that the following day we would
still have our Parliamentary democracy and that the political
parties would develop different policies about how to quit the EU.
The fact that we "leave" voters did not yet have detailed policy
statements in no way invalidates the referendum. In any General
Election we are given scant information about how the parties
intend to indulge their preoccupations, but that does not mean
the election results are not valid.