It's not a muddle at all, except for those bad losers
who are scratching around for some way to discredit
the result and to smear those who voted to leave.
I voted to leave and I have long recognised that
large-scale immigration was bringing far more problems
than advantages for our country. Most of my friends and
acquaintances hold similar views, and none of us believed
that voting leave would mean a general expulsion of
immigrants from our country. Most of us will oppose any
such nonsense in the extremely unlikely event of it being
attempted. The suggestion that most "leave" voters were
sufficiently ignorant, idiotic and depraved to want such a
policy is just part of the smear campaign being conducted
by fair weather democrats who don't like losing.
I knew exactly what I was voting for. I knew that we were
voting on one issue only, and that the following day we would
still have our Parliamentary democracy and that the political
parties would develop different policies about how to quit the EU.
The fact that we "leave" voters did not yet have detailed policy
statements in no way invalidates the referendum. In any General
Election we are given scant information about how the parties
intend to indulge their preoccupations, but that does not mean
the election results are not valid.