In The Heart Of The Teeming Metropolis: Aldwych/Somerset House
The area around Aldwych is really pretty, those three huge islands from St Clement's down to the hotel that used to be Bush House. I really like to visit Somerset House, especially with the kids.
There is a problem with the area though. If you are at Somerset House and you want to go to Trafalgar Square you need bust stop R 76996 which is near the end of St Mary's. The trouble is, 8 buses stop here in the daytime, and they are all pretty regular. Most of them go up Kingsway. These buses also get mixed up with the 13 (count them!) buses that use the nearby stop S 55244.
There is chronic third bus syndrome sellotaped to buses having to go completely around the stops because there is no room. Now that Borisbuses are escape-proof there is no way to leap onto them in the road.
The whole area hasn't been the same since old Leather-Arse died.