Originally Posted by Paul Corfield[_2_]
On Fri, 5 Aug 2016 09:44:15 +0200, Robin9
Someone Somewhere;157370 Wrote:
Were no black cab drivers picked up on any infringments (however small)
or is Operation Neon solely targeted at the private hire trade?
I'm not sure how public safety is increased by giving private hire
drivers parking tickets, and I suspect most people using minicabs
don't care if the driver is not displaying his badge. It will be
interesting to see if the new mayor will have any really
constructive ideas in his "wider programme."
Indeed - and in particular with Uber you know who the driver is from the
app and can recognise them from their photo. Uber also track their
drivers activity and it's very easy to complain about them if they do
the wrong thing - something that's nowhere near as easy with
conventional private hire companies and/or black cab drivers (if a black
cab driver takes a circuitous route, what's your come back when the only
person to complain to is the driver themselves and there's an absence of
proof of the route followed)
According to the "statement" only private hire drivers were
involved. The mayor is, of course, a professional politician.
For some reason I've never understood, it seems politicians
feel it's both respectable and legitimate to regard minicab
drivers with open suspicion and dislike. This is particularly true
of pseudo-liberal politicians who make a great song and dance
about opposing prejudice.[/i][/color]
I suspect much of what is being done is a hang over, with some tweaks,
from what was proposed during Mayor Johnson's time. The context here
is important - an angry, ****ed off and under threat black cab trade.
Naturally enough in seeking to "appease" them the private hire trade
will be in the firing line. Nonetheless minicabs and private hire is
rather less regulated and is the area which has seen most expansion.
There are "bad apples" in every trade but the inability to control the
private hire industry expansion is causing considerable problems and
not just for black cabs. It will be interesting to see whether the
departure of George Osborne [1] from the Cabinet has any bearing on a
change of heart from government about seeking to cap PH licence
numbers. I certainly think something needs to be done to better
regulate and manage all of the "taxi trades" but the Black Cabs also
need to respond more positively to the threat of competition. If they
don't then the market and technology will kill them off no matter what
regulation there is.
[1] rumoured to have rather close ties with those who own Uber.
Paul C
The notion, put about eagerly by Boris Johnson, that the
Mayor and TfL do not have the powers to limit the number of
new minicab drivers is completely fraudulent.
The Bill passed by Tony Blair's government which imposed
licencing upon London's private hire trade made TfL the
regulatory body and gave them the authority to set standards
and to create competence tests, including a "knowledge" test.
The larger private hire firms took fright at this because they
recognised that even a very moderate knowledge test would
cut off their constant supply of new drivers. They lobbied TfL
that they, out of the goodness of their public-minded hearts,
should do the testing themselves and would set a realistically
high standard, relevant to the day-to-day work of minicab drivers.
To the eternal discredit of both the Mayor and TfL, this absurd
proposal was accepted and TfL washed their hands of the matter.
As any fool could have predicted, the private hire firms passed
everyone who wanted to be a minicab driver and the number of
private hire drivers in London increased enormously. To distract
attention away from his and TfL's gross negligence in allowing
this situation to arise, Boris Johnson put out impropaganda (1)
to the effect his hands were tied and he needed special extra
powers to restrict the number of new entrants to the trade.
All that needs to be done is for TfL to take back the testing,
to set the most undemanding of tests and the number of new
entrants will collapse.
It should be remembered that most new applicants to be
minicab drivers in London are either Asians or immigrants
who don't know Kings Cross from Charing Cross or London
Bridge from Waterloo Bridge and who are totally convinced
that all they need is a sat-nav. Demand that they learn how
to get to Victoria Coach Station and the Royal Albert Hall and
their enthusiasm will soon evaporate.
(1) I regret to admit I did not invent this splendid word. There
was, and perhaps still is, a company in Kentish Town, trading
under that name.