Network Rail
Richard J. wrote:
Tony Walton wrote:
Then your pub evidently chose the wrong supplier. That's a risk with
any private enterprise system. Personally, I've had no problem with
Southern Electric. There is usually a recorded message about the
power cut as soon as you phone.
As far as I'm aware nobody was given a choice to have the infrastructure
supplied by EDF, though (whose problem it turned out to be). Shades of
The other point is that once this "choice" wasn't necessary. You got
your electricity from a supplier, who did the job. There was no
necessity to shop around between the crap ones and the good ones.
Especially when the crapness or otherwise of a supplier's CS operation
isn't apparent until there's a problem.
I'm sure the shareholders love it, though. Thank God I wasn't
trying to report a gas leak.
Gas leaks are dealt with by Transco; look under 'Gas' in the phone
book. What's the problem with that?
Fair enough; how about if I'd been trying to report that my paralysed
Granny's ventilator[1] was down due to the power cut?
[1] No, not the one over the cooker.