"Peter Smyth" writes:
"Huge" wrote in message
"Lew 1 (from the UK)" writes:
On Sun, 20 Jul 2003 11:38:57 +0000 (UTC), (David
Marshall) wrote:
[14 lines snipped]
Especially with bull**** like only 2 trains an hour northbound from
London Bridge in the evening rush, and those "all stations".
It is not really Thameslink's fault that there are not enough paths available
through London Bridge in the rush hour.
1) Does London Bridge mysteriously become smaller between the morning
and evening rush hours?
2) It's about time they evicted the whingers from Borough Market and got
on with expanding it then.
3) It's still bull****.
"The road to Paradise is through Intercourse."
The uk.transport FAQ;
[email me at huge [at] huge [dot] org [dot] uk]