Originally Posted by Offramp
On Thursday, 25 August 2016 15:37:05 UTC+1, Robin9 wrote:
The fact that you don't like someone you have never met
does not entitle you to show disrespect. That you want to
show disrespect does not cast you in a good light.
I've never met Donald Trump, or Stalin, or Hillary Clinton. Must I respect all those three?
Your wish to show disrespect for the Queen is based solely
on your prejudices. She has done nothing in her long life to
harm or offend anyone. Politicians frequently harm and
offend large numbers of people, so their status is not
comparable to the Queen's. In addition, Trump, Stalin and
Clinton sought out their position, knowing full well the brickbats
that would be lobbed at them. Yet another substantial difference
is that they have the right of reply.
There is also a major difference between not respecting someone
and actively displaying that lack of respect. There are quite a few
public figures I dislike and despise: Thatcher and Blair; Livingstone
and Johnson. If I met such people - I would try to avoid meeting
them - I would be polite. I might criticise them in a forum like
this, but I do not feel the need constantly to display my contempt,
least of all totally out of context such as when referring to a rail
service across London.