Sadiq Khan and TfL on taxis and minicabs
In message , at 10:00:38 on Wed, 14 Sep
2016, Mizter T remarked:
Erm, it's not that difficult, really.
(1) Navigate oneself to...
(2) Click on "Start now" and be taken to...
(3) Click on "Make a one off payment" and click on "Next"
And carry on for several more screens entering various data.
Four screens by my count, with the following info requested:
(1) Enter vehicle reg number
(2) Confirm the vehicle make & model (no need to enter this, it's taken
from the DVLA database)
(3) Choose how many crossings you wish to pay for (they are valid for
up to a year)
(4) Enter and confirm email address for receipt
(5) Enter payment card details
They're not asking for anything more than the bare minimum of info
needed. It's much the same as paying the London CC charge.
I agree the London CC doesn't lend itself to contactless (leaning out of
your car on Park Lane at 40mph), but the palaver above is a monstrous
bit of cost externalisation and should never have been allowed.
Roland Perry