On Thu, 15 Sep 2016 15:23:41 +0100, "
On 15.09.16 9:28, Clive D.W. Feather wrote:
On 14/09/2016 18:23, wrote:
I notice that the starter at SPILL has a D theatre-light indication.
Does that indicate down?
It will mean "track D". What "track D" means will depend on the
location, and I don't have data for SPILL.
Very likely it means "Down Line", with "U" used if the train is being
switched to the Up Line.
I believe the theatre lamps on SPILL Down indicate an X when crossing over.
But if this is the northbound platform, it
might be some way of distinguishing Kentish Town from Finsbury Park. Or
something else.
The lines out of Euston are labelled A to E and every signal from Euston
to Camden Junction displays the letter of the line the train will be on
at the next signal, even if there's no choice.
I'm not sure that I understood that?
IIRC you will get successive signals on Camden Bank with no
intervening points thus no opportunity to change route.