55 Broadway
In message
mber.org, at 07:57:46 on Fri, 16 Sep 2016, Recliner
I also assume they won't get any basement car parking.
Unless they own a train.
I wonder how that will go down? I assume the sort of person who pays
millions for a flat prefers car parking to direct access to the
District line.
There's not much parking in many new developments these days. For
example the most expensive new flats in Cambridge specifically had less
than one space (which cost extra) per apartment.
Less than one space per apartment is rather more generous than zero spaces
per apartment.
Yes, but of the (say) 20/50 apartments without a space, they aren't
fighting for the ones which do, they simply aren't allowed to park
And if you can find 20 people like that, you can find 200.
Roland Perry