Roastmasters. The worst?
On 2016-09-18 20:53:41 +0000, Mizter T said:
It helps, yes, but it does not solve the issue. I dare say you have not
been on them in the hot weather over the summer. They are hotter than
other buses, even with the retro-fitted windows, no doubt.
I have and it was warm, but I do think the windows will solve much of
the issue.
Er, they have given up on conductors, and many routes that have had
'New Routemasters' introduced on them never had conductors whatsoever.
Plus of course the conductors never checked the tickets, they were
basically just there to guard the open rear platform.
They haven't all been withdrawn yet, I believe. Once they are, and
only then, you can convert back to front boarding, as really it needs
to be consistent. I think it would work particularly well on a bus
with a true rear door (so no disbenefit to moving all the way down),
with the middle really being for wheelchair use.
Neil Williams
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