Cost of two weeks stay in London
Hi netters,
A lady friend will be travelling to London for a two-weeks training
programme. Would appreciate comments on how much she should budget for
based on following info :
a) will fly into UK around July-August timeframe
b) probably take train from/to airport to/from London city centre to
save cost
c) training venue is University College of London (for
"histology-related work". Not sure which campus at this stage)
d) she is not a frequent traveller, so preferably staying at somewhere
close to UCL
Some transport-related questions :
1) what is the mean of getting around in London, as well as to/from
the airport?
2) how much will it cost? (assuming not taking taxi which I was told
is prohibitively expensive - she does have budget constraints)
Some probably off-topic questions :
3) how much for accommodation which is close to UCL? (to minimize
travelling effort for her safety)
4) how much for meals?
Please bear with me since I have never been to London before, hence
all these detail questions. TIA.