On 25/09/2016 16:56, Recliner wrote:
The Commission's report did also include under Safety considerations:
"12.24 The CAA did note the lack of precedent for the Heathrow Extended
Northern Runway concept and indicated that it would need more detailed
development. It was emphasised, however, that the CAA remained
open-minded on the concept and open to further engagement."
And even Heathrow Hub's own press release on their safety study had:
"Hazards arising during normal operations and emergency situations,
including go-arounds and overruns, were examined using a combination of
quantitative and qualitative techniques. The initial assessment
concluded that the proposed Heathrow Hub concept has the potential to be
safe, but that further analysis and evidence would be required to prove
this in detail."
I'm not qualified to judge the risks of "tandem" runways. But I do know
one economist said it'd be really, really hard to assess the cost if a
go-around or overrun allowed Heathrow to beat Tenerife's record of 583
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