Is Uber Bleeding to Death?
On Sun, Oct 02, 2016 at 07:18:36PM +0100, Neil Williams wrote:
On 2016-10-02 17:43:46 +0000, Roland Perry said:
Prime is faster, there's also their free postage offering.
Yes, but if you don't order often the membership fee is fairly hefty.
Even if you do order often (and I do) I find it's rare that I need
something so urgently as to not be able to wait a few days for free
delivery, but also not so urgently that I'll wait for Prime delivery
next day instead of going to a shop.
If you just order stuff to be delivered I don't see the point of Prime.
I only see value in it if you want the video on demand service.
David Cantrell | semi-evolved ape-thing