More river crossings
On Wed, 12 Oct 2016 10:13:05 +0100
Robin wrote:
On 12/10/2016 02:45, Recliner wrote:
Yes, I think that's right. Now, whether it gets built or not, it will be a
model of how *not* to do public sector procurements.
I suggest it will be more a model of how not to let "national treasures"
drive policies. Joanna Lumley stitched up Ministers so thoroughly over
letting gurkhas come to the UK[1] that I don't blame them from heading
I'd love to know who actually thinks she's a national treasure. She's a
competant actress with a posh accent who used to be quite pretty half a century
ago, thats pretty much all there is to her.
With the ghurkas thing the government at the time should have just grown a
pair and made it clear that the gurhkas knew exactly what they were signing
up for when they joined and residency in the uk wasn't on the list.